Call Now: 0448 659 799

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What Less Pest DoInspections:

A thorough initial building or area inspection will be conducted by one of our licensed pest control technicians in order to determine the type and extent of pest infestation. The contractor will then discuss options in relation to the pest infestation in order to determine the most efficient method of removal within your budget. The contractor will set up a pest monitoring program in the areas that contain one of the following: active pest infestation, pest evidence or conducive conditions. Food service areas will always be included in the monitoring program.

Pest Control:

After inspection of the infested area the licensed contractor will meet with you to discuss options for extermination. The pest control process will be conducted in accordance with local and national pesticide laws and regulations according to the EPA. Pest removal will utilize all available methods of pest control using the safest options first. These include structural maintenance, sanitation, pest monitoring, mechanical/biological control and the careful use of pesticides within a controlled environment.

Less Pest Victoria offers a range of pest control services including but not limited to:

  • Domestic and Commercial Pest Control
  • Termite Control
  • Spider Barrier Treatments
  • Bees and Wasps

Accreditations Include:

  • Fully licensed technicians
  • Timber Pest Accredited
  • Term-seal Accredited
  • Altis Reticulation System Accredited
  • Termex Accredited
  • Greenzone Accredited


Termite Damage

Termite Damage

Spider Barrier Treatment

Spider Barrier Treatment

Spider Barrier Treatment

Spider Barrier Treatment

Reticulated Termite Barrier

Reticulated Termite Barrier

Ant Treatment

Ant Treatment

Ant Treatment

Ant Treatment

Term-Seal Physical Barrier for Termites

Term-Seal Physical Barrier for Termites

Reticulated Termite Barrier

Reticulated Termite Barrier

Moisture meter for termite detection

Moisture meter for termite detection

Pumping up Reticulated system with chemical

Pumping up Reticulated system with chemical

Dusting for wasps

Dusting for wasps

Dusting chimney for bees

Dusting chimney for bees

Injecting chemical for termite treatment

Injecting chemical for termite treatment

Drilling for termite treatment

Drilling for termite treatment

Call Peter for a quote today on 0448 659 799